Accueil site Venturi

Association Venturi
Aeronautics, Space
And Science entertainment


Why this name ?

Picture of Giovani Batista Venturi

...or greetings to an Italian physician

Our association have this name in homage to Giovani Batista VENTURI. This scientist lived in Italy during the eightieth century (1746-1822) at Reggio Emilia. He was teaching to the Modena military engineering school and then to the Pavie university.

His works was about colours, acoustics and hydraulics.

Within this framework, he built his eponym famous "conduit with reversed cones" (converge then diverge). This one makes it possible to easily measure the flow rate of fluids.

More details ?
Venturi discovered that the pressure in a permanent flow of incompressible and nonviscous fluid in a horizontal control (of variable section) decreases with the section of control. What makes it possible to deduce the flow rate from the flow, whose square is proportional to the depression noted on the level of the contracting.

Still wants more details ? Venturi's tube simulator

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